If you have good writing skills and love blogging, you can generate an internet income from home by just doing what you love. There are various companies (pay per post sites) out their who pay you to blog. This generally involves in writing a review on a product. If your review is good and accepted by the advertiser then you get paid through the Pay Per Post from the advertiser.
Here are some Get Paid to Blog sites you might consider taking a look at:
PayPerPost : First you have to sign up for an account and get your blog approved. Once your blog is accepted you can start writing about the products listed there. Search through a list of topics, make a blog posting, get your content approved, and get paid. It’s that simple. Make sure you include the links provided by them while writing a product review.
Loudlaunch : Unlike some of the other paid to blog sites, Loudlaunch seems to have its own campaigns based on press releases from advertisers. They provide you with a matched list of relevant advertisers that are seeking influencer's such as yourself to help create a buzz. You can do your own research and write about them in exchange for pay.
Payu2blog : Making money with your blog is very easy when you are a member of the Payu2blog network. Bloggers can blog about many topics and have fun making money while blogging. It makes no difference how long you have been blogging. If your blog meets their requirements then you can make money blogging on Payu2blog.
Blogitive : Here you can create multiple blogs to earn more and does not conflict with ad campaigns on your site. Bloggers are required to blog only on stories that interests them and earn money with every post. Payments are made weekly via Paypal.
Smorty : Choose the subjects that interest you and express your opinion about peoples products, services and websites on your blog. With Smorty you can create multiple blogs to earn more and get paid weekly by PayPal.
BlogsVertise : Tasks are assigned to registered members with their internet website address to talk about on their blog. You write up an entry in your blog about the internet advertiser however you want. In exchange blogsvertise Pays YOU in paypal per blog entry, for writing about the advertisers web site.
BloggerWave : If you've got a blog, BloggerWave advertisers have got all sorts of assignments for you, advertisers that would like you to write about their products or services. So you do. In your blog. And get paid.
BlogToProfit : Make guaranteed money for posts to your blog. Join this exciting new program and get your first order after your blog is reviewed. BlogToProfit will connect you with advertisers that are interested in sponsoring your blog, you post to your blog and get paid.
BlogMeOut : A Multi User Blog for everyone to speak their mind. Do you currently get paid to Blog? If not you can there. Create a Blog and Start blogging! BlogMeOut have added two nice widgets for you pleasure. It is a Google Adsense and Revenue Pilot widget. All you have to do is login to your blog, and add your ID to the widget and place it where you want and your personal ads will start showing up.
Blogging Ads : They are looking for bloggers to post one-time ads on their blog sites for money. It is an easy way for you to earn money by doing nothing more than you already do - post to your blog. You will be paid through Paypal.
Weblogs Inc : Apply to blog for one of their 90 fine blogs. Bloggers are paid to blog as little or as much as they like, are unfiltered, and can shift from blog to blog within the network. Only requirements are that you be totally honest with your audience and passionate about the subjects you cover.
Sponsored Review : You are required to write for an advertiser. You can create a profile for your blog(s) in order to attract advertisers. Advertisers will purchase reviews from you, which you have the option to accept or decline. You can also search for advertisers directly, and bid on jobs.
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